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Hello, my name is Alyssa Kolb. I am a 20 year old Junior at West Virginia University

studying strategic communications and sport communications. Before I chose WVU as my

temporary home for four years, let’s backtrack to where I was born and raised – Bucktown,

Pennsylvania to be exact. Living an hour outside of Philadelphia, I didn’t quite get the city

experience.I was born into a conservative Christian family, where family was number one.

With two hard-working parents, and a brother six years my senior, I already had an amazing

support system. They have supported my choices in life 100percent and will always have my back. I am proud of the fact that I can skin a deer, and watch football; meanwhile still go shopping for the latest trends, and pamper myself for a girl’s night out. I have always been a huge sports fan, thanks to my brother, and father.They are the ones

who have really pushed me to try different sports. As a child I played softball, basketball, soccer

and tennis. In high school, sports were what really kept me engaged. I earned six varsity letters

by the end of my senior year, and earned the Female Athlete of the Year award at the end of my

senior year of high school. My passion for sports still continues now that I play club softball at

WVU, tennis in my spare time, and cheer on the Mountaineers and Philly sport teams. This

passion will carry in my career for my hopes to work for a professional sports team.


Being on multiple sports teams I have learned a lot about working with different types of people and settling differences to come together and win. I still keep in contact with many team members I have had throughout theyears. Softball has shaped my life, because it has not only given me responsibility, but it haspushed me to achieve many other goals in my lifetime.


There has never been a time where I believed that I have fit in to a specific type of clique.

I may be an athlete, but don’t get me wrong, I LOVE to shop, (too much for my own good) and

mixing and matching styles to fit my personality. I enjoy getting my nails done, and trying out

new makeup products. I am always open to new things. I have always been the type of girl who

had multiple friends throughout different friend groups. I am always interested in meeting new

people and understanding new cultures. I have many hopes to travel the world after college, and

become familiar with all walks of life.


I am always open to others opinions and trying new ideas. Some of my favorite hobbies

include crafting and party planning. I find myself spending countless hours in front of the

television watching HGTV and Rachel Rae, or in Michael’s Arts and Crafts. I love using my

creativity to make things instead of buying them, because the reward is so much better.


Thanks for letting me share a little bit about myself. Although, it wasn’t much I hope

you get a sense of my style and personality. Take a moment to check out my resume and

finished portfolio work. Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions.








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